A.R.D. Representation

A.R.D. Representation

We Specialize in A.R.D. Program for DUI Offenders

A.R.D (Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition) is a program designed as an alternative to trial, conviction and possible mandatory jail sentence for Driving under the Influence. Upon completion of the program, charges are dismissed and the record of arrest may be expunged (erased).

The benefits of A.R.D. include:

• Avoid mandatory jail sentence.
• Reduce length of license suspension.
• Avoid a permanent criminal record.

The A.R.D. program is operated by the Office of the District Attorney. While Pennsylvania law sets some statutory guidelines for who is and is not eligible for A.R.D., the District Attorney can supplement those guidelines with addition criteria. The District Attorney may reject a person from the A.R.D. program if they fail to meet local requirements. In effect, a person who may be eligible for DUI/ARD in York or Berks County may not be eligible for DUI/ARD in Lancaster County or vice versa. For this reason, it is important to fully understand the local ARD requirements. Additionally, in Lancaster County the District Attorney does make exceptions to local rules in extraordinary circumstances. Again, it is important to be familiar with these rules and whether an exception may be granted.

At Cody & Pfursich our attorneys have guided thousands of clients through the A.R.D. process. In many cases, we have been successful at achieving acceptance into A.R.D. for clients who were initially rejected. Our familiarity with local rules and A.R.D. procedures allows us to provide superior representation for clients seeking to enter into the A.R.D. program. If you have been charged with DUI and would like to participate in the A.R.D. program, it is very important that you contact us immediately. The District Attorney imposes strict time limits for the filing of an A.R.D. application and completion of the program requirements. Failure to meet these guidelines can cause an otherwise eligible applicant to be rejected.

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