Lancaster Domestic Abuse & Family Law

Protection From Abuse (P.F.A)

Family Law Services

Family Law Services

A Protection from Abuse (PFA) is a civil order signed by a Judge which directs an alleged abuser not to abuse, threatened or harass the plaintiff. If you are served with a temporary PFA you should not contact the plaintiff in any way. Violation of the PFA order will lead to criminal charges and possible jail time. After receiving the PFA, you will be entitled to a hearing on the matter and a Judge will decide whether to issue a permanent PFA order.

The consequences of having a PFA placed on against you can be severe and can seem incredibly unfair. Unfortunately, although the sentiment behind the PFA law is admirable, the PFA system itself is prone to misuse. Plaintiffs routinely use the PFA system as a tool in custody disagreements and sometimes as retribution for bad break -ups. A temporary PFA order can direct that you move out of your home, cease contact with your children, and turn over any firearms you own. All this can be done without any chance for you to be heard by the Court. Although this may seem unfair, it is imperative that you obey the order. You will have a chance to make your case in court.

If you have been served with a PFA or if you have been accused of violating the PFA, it is important to have an attorney who can explain the procedure and help you make your case to the Court. At The Cody Law Firm we are dedicated to helping our clients through this difficult ordeal. Our attorneys have had success in having PFAs dropped for lack of evidence, dropped by agreement with opposing counsel, and negotiating final orders that involve reasonable conditions for both the Plaintiff and our clients. Don’t try to navigate the PFA system by yourself. Call us to schedule a free consultation and let us tell you how we can help.

Serving: Lancaster, Manheim, New Holland, Quarryville, Columbia, Leola,

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    *family law cases require a paid consultation