New Holland Domestic Abuse Lawyers

New Holland Domestic Abuse LawyersIf you find yourself facing a court order for domestic abuse, and you require the services of New Holland domestic abuse lawyers, contact the law firm of Cody & Pfursich today. We are an established team of legal professionals with years of experience in domestic abuse cases in Lancaster County. We can help you overcome unfair charges and achieve the best result for your future.

About New Holland Domestic Abuse Lawyers

In Pennsylvania, Protection From Abuse (PFA) orders are issued by courts to protect victims from being threatened or abused. While the sentiment behind PFA laws is worthy, in many cases the spirit of PFAs is abused…someone may be trying to cause embarrassment to an ex, defame their character, or exact revenge for a bad breakup. When a defendant is served with a PFA, they are frequently forced out of their home, separated from their children, and required to turn over firearms.

When you are served with what you believe is an unfair PFA, we can fully appreciate the anger and embarrassment you may be feeling. But it is absolutely vital for you to obey the order and cease any contact with your accuser. Remember that you will have your day in court and a chance to tell your side of the story. Violation of a PFA could result in criminal charges and even potential prison time.

The attorneys at Cody & Pfursich have many years of experience defending clients against wrongful PFAs. We have had many cases dropped for lack of sufficient evidence, or through arrangements with opposing counsel. We work to negotiate final orders that are reasonable and acceptable to all, and help you repair your reputation and move forward with your life again.

Our family law attorney Lorraine Russell Hagy is focused on criminal defense matters and family law offenses. She had handled a variety of family law cases, including divorce, custody, and domestic abuse situations. She has seen the emotional toll domestic abuse cases take on families, and she works zealously to protect your individual rights.

The stakes in domestic abuse cases are too high for you to fight this battle alone. Reach out to the New Holland domestic abuse lawyers at Cody & Pfursich today for your initial consultation. We can represent your side of the story in court, where it matters the most.

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